Dried Garden Rose Bouquet
•Dried creamy white garden rose bouquet
•approximately 10-12 stems
•wrapped in creamy white vintage recycled ribbon
•see images for a closer look
•please allow 7 days from the order date to ship. These are in the process of drying. Slight variations of tea staining may occur during this process
•Dried creamy white garden rose bouquet
•approximately 10-12 stems
•wrapped in creamy white vintage recycled ribbon
•see images for a closer look
•please allow 7 days from the order date to ship. These are in the process of drying. Slight variations of tea staining may occur during this process
•Dried creamy white garden rose bouquet
•approximately 10-12 stems
•wrapped in creamy white vintage recycled ribbon
•see images for a closer look
•please allow 7 days from the order date to ship. These are in the process of drying. Slight variations of tea staining may occur during this process