Dried Pink Hydrangea Bouquet


*A non combined shipping item. Please do not combine with any other items at checkout.

Our classic signature large seasonal dried Hydrangea bouquet with a mix of pink, green and brown medium and large flowers handpicked from our very own gardens, finished with pink vintage raw silk ribbon. Hydrangeas are delicate, therefore, we ship each bouquet in its own box to prevent breakage.

*available through October 20TH

color: more pink with pale green and brown

*finished with floral preservation spray for longevity

Approximately 8-10 medium/large stems

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*A non combined shipping item. Please do not combine with any other items at checkout.

Our classic signature large seasonal dried Hydrangea bouquet with a mix of pink, green and brown medium and large flowers handpicked from our very own gardens, finished with pink vintage raw silk ribbon. Hydrangeas are delicate, therefore, we ship each bouquet in its own box to prevent breakage.

*available through October 20TH

color: more pink with pale green and brown

*finished with floral preservation spray for longevity

Approximately 8-10 medium/large stems

*A non combined shipping item. Please do not combine with any other items at checkout.

Our classic signature large seasonal dried Hydrangea bouquet with a mix of pink, green and brown medium and large flowers handpicked from our very own gardens, finished with pink vintage raw silk ribbon. Hydrangeas are delicate, therefore, we ship each bouquet in its own box to prevent breakage.

*available through October 20TH

color: more pink with pale green and brown

*finished with floral preservation spray for longevity

Approximately 8-10 medium/large stems

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